Just Call Me Internet
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Your First Connection to the Internet
You should have heard your modem dial and connect to our service. Amongst
the messages you see on the screen should be:
Dialing on ax1
Modem commands
Demon Internet Welcome message
Login messages
Dial ax1 complete
You may get messages to the front screen informing you that news has
arrived. To stop these from interrupting your screen type:
nntp verbose off
In fact, you should type this in before getting the messages, so I suggest
you do so now. To test your connection type:
ping gate.demon.co.uk
and the response should be something like: rtt 168. You can
actually type in your next command now even though the net> prompt doesn't
show. Pressing return by itself will cause the net> prompt to reappear. The
successful ping means that your internet node can send packets to
gate.demon.co.uk (which is rtt is the round-trip time in
milliseconds. To see if you can connect further than this type:
ping ftp.uu.net
and the response should be: rtt 366. To see the route you are
taking to a site type:
hop check ftp.uu.net
and you will see the connections made between your computer and the
destination host with each part reporting back to you the time taken. Gate
is the server you are connected to at Demon, netblazer is a router in the
Demon office and Falls-Church1.VA.ALTER.NET is in Virginia, USA. At the end
you will get the message "traceroute done: normal (Unreachable Port)".
Press return to go back to the main screen.
ka9q allows commands to be abbreviated. If the letters typed in are
ambiguous it selects the first match it finds. Thus ping can be shortened
to pi but not to p as this would be param. You can type ? for a list of
commands. Now type
and you will get a list of sockets that are listening. Under the column
headed Remote socket you will see the IP address of any remote connection
that has been made. For example you might see which is the
demon news server. Under Owner you will see an address and NNTP client.
You should close off any of these connection cleanly before ending you ka9q
session. NNTP and SMTP clients are started automatically by your software
and will close off when they have finished their work. To try your first
file transfer type:
ftp ftp.demon.co.uk
and you will connect to our file server. At the user name: prompt type:
ftp (or anonymous if you can't spell ftp!)
at the password prompt type your email address eg.
yourname@yourpc.demon.co.uk. You will then be at the ftp> prompt. Type
help for a list of commands. Type dir for a directory. We will now get a
file called Welcome.txt from /pub/doc which is a file telling you about how
to move around the internet. Type:
cd /pub/doc
get Welcome.txt
note that you are connecting to a unix machine and thus file names are case
sensitive. In addition they do not perform to dos file naming conventions -
they can be very long and do not have formalised positioning of suffixes.
The other important feature is that directory paths are separated by forward
slashes / and not back slashes \. The hash command turns hash marking on -
for every 1024 bytes received a hash mark is printed to the screen. You
will get a message telling you how long the transfer took.
Before we close this connection, press the F10 key. You will revert to the
front screen. Type:
and a list of active sessions will be brought to the screen. Type:
session 1 (or se 1)
to revert to the ftp screen, quit the session and return to the main screen
Check your sessions and if there is no NNTP client active, type:
and you will return to DOS. Note that this is not guaranteed to hang up the
line - certain modem/computer combinations prevent this from happening -
please read the support.faq file supplied. Our gateway will attempt to idle
your line out after 2 minutes of inactivity but it is always your
responsibility to hang up the line.
ka9q works in a multi-user fashion, so you are able to receive news and send
mail whilst ftp'ing to another site. You can in fact ftp to several sites
at once - to switch between them simply press F10 to return to the main
screen, type session to get a list of sessions and then session n to
switch to the required session where n is the session number.
In your nos directory you will now have a file called welcome.txt. Please
read this as many of your questions will probably be answered by it.
Grahame Davies
Demon Internet Services
Email: grahame@demon.co.uk